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Career Opportunities


We are currently hiring! See the full list

of open positions below, and apply by 

reviewing the qualifications and 

following the application instructions at

the bottom of the page. 


You can also download the application here and email it to


Lead Teacher- Infants, Older Infants, Twos


Assistant Teacher/Floater



Come work with us.

It is our policy to provide equal employment opportunities to all qualified persons without regard to race, age, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, or marital status. EOE. 

Please fill out the entire application. Additional information may be attached (i.e., resume, or references) 

Start Date
Are you 18 years of age or older?
Are you legally eligible for employment in the US?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime or a felony against children?
Will you work overtime if requested?
Do you have reliable transportation?
Are you able to perform the essential functions of the job for which you're applying? (Essential functions are listed below.) If no, please explain why in detail.
Do you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct policies listed below?

Applicant's Statement

The information given in this application is true, correct, and complete. If employed, any false or misleading information or omission of facts may result in discharge. I authorize investigation of all information I have given and of my credit, personal history, and employment history, as may be necessary for making an employment decision. I understand that any employment I accept does not create a contractual obligation upon the employer to continue my employment in the future. I understand that I am required to abide by all the rules and policies of the employer. 

Job Description, Essential Functions, & Conduct Policies


EEC is an equal-opportunity employer. The information requested of you is requested to help us make the best possible placement of employees within the company. All portions of the attached application pertaining to you must be completed. EEC, in accordance with state and federal law, does not discriminate based on age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, marital status, or medical condition including pregnancy, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law. 


You will be responsible for greeting parents, supervising children, leading arts and crafts projects, group games, circle time, active play, and making sure that everyone is happy, safe, and secure. Your responsibilities include following all EEC policies and procedures while working with us. The list below is by no means an exhaustive list of your responsibilities, but should give you a good idea: 

Smile, approach, and assist parents 

Immediately help the supervisor organize children whenever needed 

Initiate group activities and games with the children 

Periodically clean up the childcare room 

Wipe or wash children's hands and faces throughout the day 

Lead group games, craft projects, active play, story time, circle time, etc. 

Immediately log injuries, infant information, behavior, etc. on forms provided 

Tell your supervisor if you notice any inconsistencies with the program or a team member 

Tell your supervisor if you have ideas for improvements 

Must complete the required 18 hours of continuing education each year 

Must have a CDA certificate, or higher education, or be working towards it 


You must be able to perform the following functions to be considered for employment as a ECE employee. Please read this section carefully and indicate on your application if you are unable to perform any of the following functions: 

Must be able to lift 30 pounds 

Must be able to actively play with children on their level (i.e. if they are on the floor you must have the ability and energy to sit on the floor with them). 

Must have the ability to bend over, stand, and move quickly as necessary 

Must speak fluent English; a second language is desirable 


EEC employees are expected to meet the following conduct policies. Any violation of these policies may result in immediate termination: 

Employees are NEVER to use corporal punishment (spanking, grabbing, slapping, or other physical behavior) or speak harshly to a child 

Employees are NEVER to be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances during their shifts.

Employees are NEVER to smoke on school premises. 

Employees are NEVER to leave a child unattended for any reason, or any period.

Employees are ALWAYS to arrive on time and ready to work their scheduled shifts 

Employees are ALWAYS to sign in and sign out for their shifts 

Employees are ALWAYS to follow dress code as stated in the employee handbook

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